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A Legacy of Success

A Legacy of Success

Fans of Hamilton Boys Basketball hype up the team. Photo from Roberta Pratt.

Grace Strelow

The Hamilton boys basketball team is having a promising season. Reflecting back on the beginning of the season, adversity is something the team has had to overcome, as well as preparing for the rest of the season. The team as a whole has worked together to improve to where they are today. Sophomore Aidan Konop states, “We play as one team, not as five individuals. Everyone knows their role and does their best to fulfill that role.” The boys definitely have improved and work well together; the heart and determination shown from the team at each game is quite evident. They support each other and celebrate each other's success. 

Aidan Konop lays up the ball. Photo by Roberta Pratt

Looking toward the rest of the season and preparing for seasons to come, the team is dedicated to working hard at their goals. The Hamilton boys basketball head coach Andy Cerroni says this about the team’s goals, “The Hamilton basketball program philosophy begins with the understanding that coaching is more important than winning. The players that we see in the gym are also students, family members, and friends to many. The coaching staff must encourage and foster the desire to learn not only the game of basketball, but also assist players as they learn to navigate through life.”

Cerroni outlined the goals stated below:

Program Goals

- Improve the basketball skills of the players in the program
- Improve as a team as the season progresses
- Expose players to life lessons via basketball
- Make sure the players have an enjoyable experience
Team Goals

- Compete to win in practice every day
- Play with passion on the defensive end. Excitement is contagious!
- Have no excuses. We have what it takes to win
- Hold each other accountable at all times
— Coach Cerroni

Coach Cerroni calls plays from the sideline. Photo by Roberta Pratt

Coaching is an important part of the team, just like how the players are important. Luther Smith Jr, a junior forward, adds this about the coaches, “On the court, my coaches have helped me in multiple ways. They’ve brought potential out of me I didn’t know I had. They’ve taken time to watch over film, and balance out different areas I'm doing well in, as well as areas I could improve in. They’ve just made it their job to try and make me the best basketball player I could be.”

Luther Smith, Jr. showcases his ball-handling skills. Photo by Roberta Pratt

Cerroni has been coaching varsity boys for the past 21 years, and has done an outstanding job of not only coaching but also working on character.  Smith continued about the coaches off the court as well, “Each and every coach truly cares about each and every player. They make everyone and everything feel just like a family. They’ve always expressed, ‘win, lose, or draw,’ it’s all about how you respond and how you move on as a person. My coaches really express the importance of being selfless, a leader, and sacrificing for the better sake of the team. All these things have made me a better individual, and have had an impact on our team as well!” 

The team certainly wouldn’t be the same without the coaching staff; however, it takes both ends of the spectrum to make the team what it is. But what makes a varsity player, a varsity player? 

Cerroni says: “We look for very high character kids who want to serve their teammates. Teammates who put others first and are willing to sacrifice any personal glory for the good of the team. I love players who are excited for their teammates' successes. Our best players and leaders should always help our younger players with any struggles they have and build strong and solid relationships with everyone in our program. We also want players who are willing to work to improve their skill with hard work and commitment.”

This team certainly works well together, and continues to implement steps along the way so they are all on the same page during a game and even during practice. Communication is definitely one of the most important things when it comes to being part of a team. Senior Colby Horn says, “One of the things I feel most confident about this season is the chemistry of our team and how selfless everyone on the team is. The reason I feel this way is because the team has really good communication and I feel like everyone on the team knows their role.” Clearly, this is something that the boys strive to work and complete each and every day. 

Colby Horn receives a pass and prepares for the next play. Photo by Roberta Pratt

The team has had its wins and losses over the course of the season. In order to grow and improve as a team, it's important to feel the losses so they know how to prepare, and work to get a win again. It’s definitely easier said than done, but this team works at preparing for a game or practice and always gives 110% effort and participation. Senior Jack DeGeorge states, “We watch film the day before a game on our previous game to see what we need to work on, and film on the other team. We also get a scouting report from our coaches on the other team for what each player does. Then, on game day, we have a walk through on what we are going to do.”

Jack DeGeorge jumps up for a shot. Photo by Roberta Pratt

The boys still have some of the season ahead of them, including the playoffs. With this comes even more room to improve and grow as  people and as a player. This improvement didn’t start in the beginning of the season; it started with a passion for the sport, and being a part of something bigger. DeGeorge stated, “I’ve improved my game by listening to my coaches throughout the years and being a student of the game. I also did extra work beyond what the program asked, like working on character.” 

Constant movement for an entire basketball game takes stamina and mental toughness, and senior Alex Eichmann adds this, “Playing hard and fast for 36 minutes is a difficult task. But it is something that is possible with good leadership and teamwork.” The team improves with help from each other, building off success and losses. 

Alex Eichmann goes up for a layup. Photo by Roberta Pratt

Coach Cerroni stated, “We have been very lucky to have had such high character players and talented players over the years.  We have had unselfish players who put the team ahead of anything else and those teams accomplished the most.  Those players have moved on to be very successful after high school and that isn't a big surprise.  Those players are an example for the players in our program now and we refer to them as often as we can,” stated Cerroni.

Finally, the team and game experience wouldn’t be the same without the fans. Fans are an important part of the game, they bring supportive energy and life to the game. Teammates have this to say about the Hamilton fans:

Luther Smith Jr.: For the fans, what a great supporting system you guys have been for us overall. With COVID taking a toll on everyone last year, it was extremely difficult to play in such environments without you guys. You all have made a huge impact on our basketball program and I know you will continue to do so. Thank you!

Alex Eichmann: Thank you guys so much. It’s so much fun playing in front of a big crowd and something I didn’t get to experience last year.

Colby Horn: We appreciate everyone who comes to the games and the energy that they bring helps us on the court!

Jack DeGeorge: Last year showed us how important fans are to the game, so we are so thankful and really appreciate all the fans that show up and get loud and rowdy. We hope to have your continued support throughout the rest of the season.

Aidan Konop: Keep bringing the support! We love the energy you guys bring every game!

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