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Freaky Friday the Musical

Freaky Friday the Musical

Photo from the Hamilton Drama Society of the Freaky Friday cast.

Shannon O’Dwyer

Springtime is, well, possibly around the corner, meaning that our Spring Musical is coming up. This year, the Hamilton Drama Society will be performing Freaky Friday: The Musical. Show dates include:

 May 6th @ 7 p.m.

 May 7th @ 7 p.m

May 8th @ 2 p.m.

The Disney sensation is based on the children’s novel written by Mary Rogers in 1972. Since then, there have been a total of three movie reproductions of the story, each modernizing throughout the years. The original 1977 motion picture features a young Jodie Foster as Annabel, and Barbara Harris as her mother. However, the more popular and most well known version is the Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan version that first appeared on the big screen in 2003. Since then, there has been a Disney movie musical that aired on television in 2018 (but that’s not worth watching). 

Student Quotes 

When asked about the show, cast and crew responded:

What is your favorite aspect of the show?

Ava Lally: My favorite part is building relationships with cast and crew members. The reason this show is entertaining is not only because of the incredible talent showcased on stage, but also because everyone is having a good time performing! It's amazing to be working together with others on something you love and creating a great product.

Cash Campbell: Being around everyone and working together to produce an amazing show. It shows how we can all put effort into one final product.

What was the hardest thing to learn in this show?

Grace Losey: Not being a choir kid and not knowing anything about singing was definitely a challenge. Through the process I have learned so much. Everyone has been so supportive and have helped me through everything from learning the warmups and notes to learning all about vocal health. 

What’s your favorite song?

Lilly Peterson: Probably ‘I Got This’- it’s a lot of fun to rock out backstage at the beginning while we are waiting to go on. And when we get onstage walking and talking with other cast members and do the choreography it is even more fun.

Jacob Spoerl: Definitely ‘Go’- it’s the most energetic piece, and the way the kids go through the house acting like it’s the hunt is so much fun to witness and participate in. Also, I love seeing Weston and Cash dance in the fountain.

Who’s your favorite character?

Eliana Mitchell: Definitely Fletcher - I want to start with the actress, Leah Wysocki, who was able to play a part that is the complete opposite of what she is (a highschool girl playing a little boy). Not only is it beyond impressive that she was able to accomplish this challenging task with, what looks like to us, ease, but she is such a positive role model on and off stage. It’s entertaining to watch her perform this role as she is dedicated to the part and is clearly having fun while doing so. 

Jony Steffen: Grandpa Gordon - absolutely hilarious, also the cane and glasses bring all of it together. No, in all honesty, I’ve just enjoyed exploring the possibilities with this character and I’ve also found the little moments where he pops in to be super enjoyable.

What should audiences most look forward to?

Eliana Michtell: Just watching us have fun. It’s such a joy for me to be around these people and I enjoy every second. The rehearsal process has been difficult and I know how much work each and every person has put into this show and I’m so excited to see that displayed on stage.

Jack Nagai: I think the energy of the show. The music is amazing and the cast really portrays their characters so well. It makes the show so fun to watch and be a part of.

What is your favorite part of crew?

Kylee Garancis: Making the most memories I can, while having fun backstage and meeting new people. Also, getting new experience and learning how to work behind the scenes during a production. 


The musical Freaky Friday follows a similar plot to the 2003 movie, with some tweaks. The show opens with Ellie Blake (Shannon O’Dwyer) narrating the story of an unusual Friday in April, the day before her mom got married. Ellie, an intelligent, yet messy teenager is resentful towards her younger brother Fletcher (Leah Wysoki) and her soon-to-be stepfather, Mike (Callen Kluender). The audience is then introduced to Katherine Blake (Jill Arthur), a wedding planner, as she is sporadically organizing her own wedding. Ellie begins bargaining with her mother to allow her to go on The Hunt that night. The Hunt is a school-wide scavenger hunt that Ellie and her friends Gretchen (Eliana Mitchell) and Hannah (Laynee Fry) hope to win. Katherine forbids it due to its dangerous nature and the fact that it is on the same night as her rehearsal dinner. A confrontation ensues between the two, which leads to a magical hourglass being broken, and the two switching bodies.

In their attempt to switch back, they realize they are unable to without a whole hourglass. Luckily, there are two identical hourglasses, given to Katherine and Ellie by Ellie’s late father. However, Katherine reveals she has sold the hourglass to help pay for the wedding. Until they are able to find the other hourglass, the two decide to live each other’s lives for a day. 

The show bounces back and forth between Katherine and Ellie’s day. Katherine is interviewed by Wedding’s Magazine in hopes of promoting her business. Chaos ensues after she recklessly ruins the wedding cake. Later on, in an attempt to find the other hourglass, she brings Fletcher along, but is rude and convinces him that his parents are liars. This causes Fletcher to run away. 

Meanwhile, Ellie is attempting to survive a day in school dealing with her new teenage emotions and a whirlwind of teen chaos. She is introduced to Ellie’s crush Adam (Nick Mitchell) and the school’s mean girl Savannah (Ava Lally). 

After a day in each other’s shoes, discovering secrets about one another that leads to further conflict, Ellie and Katherine reconvene at Katherine’s wedding rehearsal. Here the family discovers Fletcher is missing and sends out a full fledged hunt. Once Fletcher is found, Ellie takes part in the hunt with Gretchen and Hannah in attempts to find the hourglass, while Katherine mends her relationship with Fletcher and Mike. 

Ellie retrieves the hourglass and attempts to switch back with Katherine, only for the magic to not work. The two realize they may spend the rest of their lives as each other. To find out the full ending, come see the show this weekend!

Can’t make it, here’s the Live Stream Link.

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