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A Ship With a Sail

A Ship With a Sail

Photo by Ricky Esquivel from Pexels.

Aajmal Henry

A Ship With a Sail

I have a ship

A ship with a sail

A sail and a rudder and planks and a wheel

I sail the ocean

An ocean so vast

And I wonder and wonder…

How long can this last

I have a ship

A ship with a sail

It moves me forward

Forward without fail

Yet sometimes I wonder

Day by day

If ever forward

Was really the right way

This is the path I was told to take

They said

From it do not deviate

I have a ship

A ship with a sail

The sun is bright

The moon glows pale

Day or night

To no avail

I press on forward

Forward I sail

I have a ship

A ship with a sail

I still hold out hope

I'll yet prevail

Yet all this time

I still cannot see

The golden destination 

I was told to seek

But I continue on

My endless journey

It is the wisdom of the wise

To trust those more traveled than me

I have a ship

A ship with a sail

I press on 

Through rain and through hail

Against all odds

I've not turned tail

And yet from time to time

I find myself errant

The fallout is often apparent

No use regretting what happened in the past

I fix the mistake

don't be downcast

God help me

Find my way

It's the prayer I make 


I have a ship

A ship with a sail

From time to time

I see a passing whale

And when the night comes by

I see the stars in the sky

That brighten the darkness

With their brilliant light

And once in awhile

An island alone in the sea

So many things

To learn 

And to see

I have a ship

A ship with a sail

My ship is rocked

By violent gales

And high above

I see the storm

My effort is something It's unworthy of

So I storm on by

I don't need the trouble

Destruction is nigh

I have a ship

A ship with a sail

I remember 

Grand open vales

Cast in green

Massive in scale

I remember

Mountains so tall 

With sprawling vistas

Inspiring awe

I remember

Warm summer waves

With soft summer suns

On long summer days

With a million colors

In a million shades

Lighting the sky

With a million rays

I have a ship

A ship with a sail

A sail and a rudder and planks and wheel

Sometimes I dream

In the depths of the night

That I have a home with sons and daughters and a beautiful wife

And I take solace knowing all journeys end

I don't know how and I don't know when

But one way or another

I'll figure out then

I just have to trust those who came before

That their wisdom is sound

That they truly know more

That all this is for the better

Sometimes it's hard 

but I have faith in their candor

So I sail forward into the blue

It's really the only thing I can do

A Good Deed for the Decade: The Interview

A Good Deed for the Decade: The Interview

